Buying Fresh Food for Your Dog to Keep It Lively and Energetic

Your duty does not come to an end by owning a furry friend in your home. You need to take good care of it, which includes its proper nutrition. Having fresh food for your dog is the best way to keep your dog lively and energetic. Now, you must be curious to know what the fresh food for your dog is. You may consider buying the following things for your furry friend:

  • Treats: You will find different dog treats available in the market, many of which include added nutrients to make your pet healthy. Remember that experimentation is key here. It is important for you to find out which treat your pet likes most. Once you know the favorites of your pet, you should keep them in your cupboard. You can choose from chicken dog treats, bully sticks, dog biscuits, liver treats, and peanut butter treats. But you should not feed sweets or chocolates to your dog because these things can make your dog ill. 

  • Dry Food: Dry foods are a good source of vitamins and minerals for your pet and keep its teeth healthy. Pellets of dogs are baked in an oven and stored for a long time. So, you should look for nutrient-rich dry dog food to give maximum health benefits to your pet. For this, you should look at the ingredients listed on the label and make sure that protein makes the largest component of the kibble. Also, choose dry foods that are free from chemicals, coloring, and flavoring. 

  • Meat: Since dogs are carnivores, the majority of dogs’ diets consist of meat. Your pet does not hunt in the wild for his food, so you are responsible for serving it the perfect diet. If you feed your dog canned moist food, you will be supplying it with minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, fat, and protein needed to keep it healthy. Canned food is usually higher in fat and protein than dry kibble. 

  • Bones: Dog bones from the butcher will be the pet’s favorite fresh food. Everyone knows that dogs love bones, so you must serve a bone as a part of your furry friend’s diet. In addition, beef knuckle bones work well and are ideal for your pet’s teeth and jaws. 

At TukkaMate, we make healthy human-grade dog food that was carefully developed with our holistic Veterinarian. Our dog foods are nutritious and address all the issues that dogs are having. You can place your order to buy puppy food from us anytime. 


By now, you must have got sufficient information about fresh food for your dog. If you want to make your dog energetic, provide it with such food. It will never have health issues.  


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